Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Sales Management project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sales Management project - Essay Example For sales managers it is a very difficult task to select the people who will turn out to be great at what they do. Over the years a lot of scholarly work and research has been conducted about the recruitment processes that will ensure person-job fit at the managerial levels but very little attention has been paid on emphasizing and devising a proper strategy that ensures that the right people are hired on a sales force. According to Cravens et al (1997) one of the main marketing expenditures in the business-to-business marketplace is the field sales force and even then, little is done to make absolutely sure that the right people are hired on sales forces. According to Rich and Smith (2000) â€Å"The greater the skill used in evaluating potential salespeople, the more effective will be the hiring process; effectiveness being measured by lower turnover and greater productivity over an extended period of time†. Most organizations pay little or no attention on a standardized recruitment procedure that ensures that the right sales people are selected for the jobs even though most researches show that higher sales are generated by salespeople who are motivated and well-suited for their job. For organizations whose work centers around retailing of products and services, their sales force plays the most important of tasks of determining its success. Fort a better, more well-matched person to be inducted into a company’s sales force, it has been observed that a better recruitment process is necessary. According to Pitt and Ramasheshan (1995),â€Å"In the sales force recruitment process in most organizations, the organization’s requirements are typically positioned as the primary consideration†. Which generally means that more emphasize is laid on generalizing the demands of the organization so as to attract a larger number of people to apply for the jobs.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Housing Statistics Essay Example for Free

Housing Statistics Essay The regression line is also known as the best fit line for the given data. The data points may not form a straight line. The line that best fits or best describes the relationship of the given dependent and independent variables is the line that would have the minimum perpendicular distance from the given data points. This line is used to analyze the relationship of the different variables given. It can also be used to predict or estimate other data points. In this paper, the regression line of the given data will be computed using a given tool from a certain website. The data will be analyzed to help in the decision making of the owner of the construction business. With the information given above, there is no question that the number of housing starts increases as the interest rate goes down. With the predictions of financial experts that mortgage rates will continue to dip in the next coming years, the housing construction business should be prepared in the possible increase in demands. Being the owner of a housing construction business, effective project planning should be in place. The employees should be prepared with the possible increase in the demand of housing construction projects as the interest rates continue to go down. A plan should be in place covering how to approach the possible increase in demands. Risks and uncertainties should also be identified as early as possible and there should be a detailed work breakdown structure to get ready for the coming projects. The plan should also encompass all aspects of the construction business from the materials procurement, subcontractors to employees who will be working on the projects. It should also include plans for the next coming years as the trend will probably continue as forecasted by financial experts. The data given should be used to forecast demands as accurate as possible. Using the data in the forecast, accurate measures can be implemented in terms of working with subcontractors and where to source materials. Decisions to be made with regard to projects will depend a lot on the data being forecasted by experts. Reference Ramat-Gan. (2003, June 30). Interest Rate Plunge Will Continue. Lecture Notes. Waner, S. Costenoble, S. (1999). Simple Regression. Retrieved August 2, 2006 from http://people. hofstra. edu/faculty/Stefan_Waner/newgraph/regressionframes. html

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Homework #1 :: essays papers

Homework #1 When I was growing up there were very few computer games that could be used as learning tools. As a child I did have computer class, however this class was used to practice typing or for playing recreational games such as Frogger. When thinking about what to write this paper on I thought of one game that has been on the up rise with children as well as adults. This game is called The SIMS. I thought that this game would be a perfect learning device to teach a variety of important subjects to the age groups ranging from 10-13 years old. My idea is that it would be incorporated in to a family living/economics/home economics class, most likely in a junior high setting. I think it would be best if each student had a computer of their own and worked individually. As their teacher I would pre-set other families for their â€Å"sim† or â€Å"sims† to interact with. In The SIMS you have to create a family. The student can have a single person or a larger family (the limit is eight). The student can choose everything from the color of their skin down to what outfit the character can wear. The next step is to create a personality for your â€Å"sim.† You can choose from a variety of qualities such as cleanliness, kindness and playfulness. Each family starts with $20,000 in the bank. This start up money is used to buy property or a house to live in. Here the students will be taught how to budget their money wisely, because just as in the real world there are extravagant and frivolous things you can purchase in the game. Once the house is set up it is time to look for a job. There are ten job tracks to choose from: business, entertainment, law enforcement, life of crime, medicine, military, politics, pro athlete, science and x-treme. Each of these lets your â€Å"sim† move up in their field if they keep up their training in activities such as cooking, mechanical, charisma, body, logic and creativity. Without keeping up with these tasks your sim cannot keep his/her job. Also important in The SIMS is to interact with other sims. A sim can move in with another sim, date, propose as well as get married (same sex or not). Just as important is keeping to your sims bodily needs such as sleep, hygiene, eating and fun.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Food security Essay

Agriculture, with its allied sectors, is unques? onably the largest livelihood provider in India, more so in the vast rural areas. It also contributes a signi? cant ? gure to the Gross Domes? c Product (GDP). Sustainable agriculture, in terms of food security, rural employment, and environmentally sustainable technologies such as soil conserva? on, sustainable natural resource management and biodiversity protec? on, are essen? al for holis? c rural development. Indian agriculture and allied ac? vi? es have witnessed a green revolu? on, a white revolu? on, a yellow revolu?on and a blue revolu? on Food security is a condition related to the ongoing availability of food. Concerns over food security have existed throughout history. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), food security â€Å"exists when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life†. Ensuring food security ought to be an issue of great importance for a country like India where more than one-third of the population is estimated to be absolutely poor and one-half of all children malnourished in one way or another. There have been many emerging issues in the context of food security in India in the last two decades. These are: (i) economic liberalization in the 1990s and its impact on agriculture and food security; (ii) establishment of WTO: particularly the Agreement on Agriculture (AoA) under it; (iii) challenges of climate change; crisis of the three Fs, viz. , food prices, fuel prices, and financial crisis; (iv) the phenomenon of hunger amidst plenty, i. e. , accumulation of stocks in the early years of this decade and in 2008-09 along with high levels of poverty; (v)introduction of targeting in the Public Distribution System (PDS) for the first time in the 1990s; (vi). ‘Right to Food’ campaign for improving food security in the country and the Supreme Court Orders on mid-day meal schemes; (vii) proposal for National Food Security Law (Right to Food); These developments in the last two decades have provided both opportunities and challenges for food and nutrition security of the country. It may be noted that the slowdown in agriculture growth could be attributed to structural factors on the supply side, such as public investment, credit, technology, land and water management, etc., rather than globalization and trade reforms per se. There are six deficits in Indian agriculture. These are: (i) investment, credit, and infrastructure deficit; (ii) land and water management deficit; (iii) research and extension (technology) deficit; (iv) market deficit; (v) diversification deficit; and (vi) institutions deficit. Reforms are needed to reduce these deficits in order to achieve the following goals of agriculture: (i) 4 per cent growth in agriculture; (ii) equity in terms of higher growth in lagging regions, small and marginal farmers, and women; and (iii) sustainability. India has government programmes such as TPDS including AAY, nutrition programmes like mid-day meals, ICDS, etc. to improve food and nutrition security. NREGS and self-employment programmes can also increase access to food and nutrition. Social protection programmes in India have helped in improving incomes as well as I providing protection to the population, especially to the poor, from shocks in the economy. However, there are lots of gaps and inefficiencies in the social protection programmes. India has many policies and programmes. However, food insecurity and malnutrition continue to be high. The problem is with both design and implementation of the programmes. The focus of reforms can now be shifted to more efficient delivery systems of public services. It has been recognized that better governance is very important for effective functioning of food-based programmes. Social mobilization, community participation and decentralized approach are necessary in this context. It may, however, to be noted that governance has to be contextualized in relation to the socio-economic environment. Appropriate institutions are needed for better implementation of policies and programmes.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Courage and Bravery in Lord of the Flies Essay

In amidst of the tragic events that occurs in the town of Maycomb, one positive theme that stand out throughout the whole time is courage. Its presence is observed by the narrator Scout from the characterisations of the central character Atticus, his influence on his children’s upbringing and other the members of the community that displays such qualities e. g. Mrs Dubose and Boo Radley. Atticus Finch is one of the most prominent and respected people in the town who has strong views on courage. His role in the story serves as a moral backbone and fatherly figure to his children. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view†¦ until you climb into his skin and walk around in it† This quote shows his open-mindness for truth by understanding people through their perspective, and he was courageous enough to act on this philosophy. Atticus displays bravery when he takes Tom’s case despite the consequences of his town turning against him and his children. He represents Tom fairly in court for free, and in the face of criticism and threats of violence he stands for what he believes is right. Atticus is not only a brave man himself but also a strong influence to his children as he goes to great pains to instruct Jem and Scout to be better human beings. â€Å"You’re gonna hear some ugly talk about this in school. But I want you to promise me one thing: That you won’t get into fights over it, no matter what they say to you. † Although Scout fights other children who insult Atticus in an attempt to defend and stand up for him, she eventually learns that withholding violence is one of the highest forms of bravery. On another occasion in the face of danger when a mad dog is running down the street, Atticus shoots it perfectly yet he hides that he is the town’s best marksmen, but emphasises that he is not courageous for shooting a dog dead in one shot, but because he had to. He disproves of the children’s fascination with guns and believes that guns do not make men brave. As Scout tells, â€Å"My father, who hated guns and had never been to any wars, was the bravest man who ever lived. † One of the most significant lessons Jem learns was from Mrs Dubose, when he was made to go and read to her and her long-battled morphine addiction is revealed. Instead of spending the rest of her life and dying painlessly under the influence of morphine which as the easy and â€Å"acceptable† option, Mrs Dubose chooses to break free in an agonising way, despite of how far her sickness has become, knowing that she will die in the process. â€Å"I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it though no matter what. † Atticus holds Mrs. Dubose as the ultimate definition of bravery and she is a person he admires as having â€Å"real courage†. This form of bravery can be reflected back to Atticus when he defends Tom Robinson. He argues the case to the best of his ability even though he knows it will be nearly impossible for a white jury’s verdict of a black man to be â€Å"not guilty†. A different take on courage is within the community, when the fire occurs. â€Å"The men of Maycomb, in all degrees or dress and undress, took furniture from Miss Maudie’s house to a yard across the street. The response that arises is immediate. The phrase â€Å"in all degrees of dress and undress† stresses that the men do not need time to think but come straight from their beds to help regardless of their attire. â€Å"Looks like all of Maycomb was out tonight† Even during this time, Boo left his place so Scout will not be cold. Then it turns out ironically later on that Boo who has been an object of fear and suspicion at the beginning, risks his own life to save Jem and Scout’s lives from Bob Ewell. His courage overrides the town’s prejudice to come their aid. Even Jem runs back to help Scout, knowing he stood no chance against a drunk adult, yet he succeeded by buying enough time for help. It is essential to note how the lack of courage influences many people. The character of Bob Ewell proves a foil for Atticus, where the later is a noble and virtuous man and the former a coward. Ewell never directly faces those whom he thought have wronged him and held grudges against everyone connected to the case. His actions give evidence of this when he vandalises Judge Taylor’s home and harasses Tom’s widow Helen Robinson at a distance. His need for petty revenge is his greatest cowardice, especially when he resorts to assaulting Atticus’ children in order to make himself feel more of a man, resulting in his own death. The characters fight for what they believe in throughout the entire book in one way or another and bravery is shown by almost everyone in times when the situation demands it. Although some events may turn out badly, courage is an essential and desirable quality which will always make the world a better place to live in.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

5 Cover Letter Mistakes That Will Cost You the Interview

5 Cover Letter Mistakes That Will Cost You the Interview To write a good cover letter is to walk a very fine line between confident salesmanship and not sounding like an arrogant shill. To avoid the common pitfalls, and make sure your great letter isn’t annoying the recruiters for your ideal jobs, eradicate any of the following gaffs from your letter before sending it out again. 1. An Abundance of†Bests† and â€Å"Perfects†Even if you believe it, try not to state that you’re the â€Å"best person for the job,† or even â€Å"a perfect fit.† You don’t need to sell yourself with superlatives. You need to sell yourself with your skills and experience. Come off confident, not cocky. Humble, but not too passive. Figure out what sorts of qualifications you have that make you quote-unquote perfect for the job, then highlight those. Show don’t tell!2. GenericsThe Objective is the thing of the past. Instead of saying what you want (which is the same as what every other candidate wants, by the way), say why you’re uniquely qualified to be an asset to their company and solve all their problems by filling all their needs for this position.3. Unnecessary ExplanationsYou may think it’s a good idea to explain why you left your last job. It isn’t. There’s probably not a way for you to accomplish what you want with this explanation without badmouthing your former employer (bad) or making yourself look bad (worse). Save it for the interview- and only if it comes up. Focus on the positive instead- your forward movement towards increasing your success.4. BuzzwordsYou may be a â€Å"team player.† You may even be â€Å"reliable† and â€Å"a hard worker,† or want to â€Å"maximize your potential.† But these words have become toxic from overuse. Find a new and fresh way to state your case. The recruiter will be both grateful and pleasantly surprised.5. JokesJust assume these aren’t gong to land on paper. They’ll probably have the opposite effect- as in: they won’t be funny. You might even offend someone or come off as unprofessional. Save your witticisms for the interview. Keep the cover letter clean, professional, and surgically precise.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Whats the Standard High School Curriculum You Should Take

What's the Standard High School Curriculum You Should Take SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you wondering what a typical high school curriculum looks like? Do you want to know what classes you’ll be taking as a high school student? Read this guide to learn about the standard high school curriculum, high school graduation requirements, and what classes colleges expect you to have taken. How to Find Your School's Curriculum This is a general guide to high school curricula. It was created by researching national education standards, as well as the curricula of high schools across the country. While the information below applies to many students, not all high schools teach the same courses, follow the same course sequence, or have the same curriculum requirements. Use this information as a guideline to research your own high school’s curriculum more in-depth. To find your own school's curriculum, talk to your academic adviser. You can also look on your school's website, searching for "graduation requirements", "course sequence" or something similar. Your high school's course catalog will also usually contain this information. Which Subjects Should You Take More Rigorous Courses In? In addition to explaining typical graduation requirements, each core subject in this guide includes ways to exceed basic requirements and strengthen your transcript. However, trying to go the extra mile in every subject can be exhausting and lead to you getting burned out. Because colleges appreciate depth more than breadth, concentrate on putting extra effort in the area(s) you plan to continue studying in college. For example, if you plan on majoring in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) field, try to follow our guidelines for exceeding expectations in your math and science classes, and worry less about taking advanced courses in English and history (although still work to get solid grades in those courses). Similarly, if you plan on majoring in something like journalism, concentrate most of your effort on taking advanced English classes and additional English electives. Also, if you are looking at attending a highly competitive college, know that most expect applicants to have taken honors or advanced classes if their school offers them, and most also require or highly recommend completing four years in each core subject (math, science, English, and social studies). Want to get better grades and test scores? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. Standard High School Curriculum Below is information on the typical classes a high school student will be expected to take, organized by subject. Each subject includes classes that are required to graduate high school, classes colleges expect students to have taken, and suggestions for ways to impress by going beyond these expectations. English Requirements: Four years of English are required to graduate high school. Freshman and Sophomore years: Classes during these years will be primarily focused on developing writing and critical reading skills. Junior year: This year will focus on American literature, as well as continued development of writing skills. Senior Year: Electives Possible electives include British literature, creative writing, and world literature. Colleges will expect all high school graduates to have completed four years of English. To Exceed Expectations: Take honors or AP classes when possible. There are two AP English classes: English Language and Composition (usually taken junior year), and English Literature and Composition (usually taken senior year). There are three IB literature classes: Language A: Literature, Language A: Language and Literature, and Literature and Performance. Also consider taking additional English electives in areas that you’re interested in, such as literature or writing. Math Requirements: At least three years of math, including algebra and geometry, is required to graduate high school. The typical course order is: Algebra 1 Geometry Algebra 2/Trigonometry Pre-Calculus Calculus (Not all students start with algebra 1, and not all students complete all the above courses or follow the above order exactly) Most colleges require three-four years of math for non-STEM majors, including algebra 1 and 2 and geometry. For STEM majors, most colleges require four years of math, sometimes including pre-calculus and calculus. To Exceed Expectations: Take four years of math. Take math at the highest level offered by your school, such as at an honors or AP level. There are three AP Math classes: Calculus AB, Calculus BC, and Statistics. There are four IB Math classes that cover roughly the same material but vary in difficulty and speed. Take pre-calculus and calculus, if possible. Take additional math-related electives such as statistics and computer math. Science Requirements Two to three years of science, including biology and chemistry, is required to graduate high school. Freshman year: Biology Sophomore year: Chemistry Junior year: Physics or Earth Science Students who are more confident in their math and science skills typically take physics, while those who are not take earth science instead. Senior year: optional electives Potential electives include astronomy, environmental science, and human biology. Most colleges require two-three years of science for non-STEM majors. For STEM majors, most colleges require four years of science, including physics. To Exceed Expectations: Take four years of science. Take honors or accelerated classes your first three years. Take physics instead of earth science your junior year. Take an AP science class your senior year. AP science classes include: Biology, Chemistry, Physics (1,2, and C versions), and Environmental Science There are seven IB science classes: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Computer Science, Design Technology, Environmental Systems and Societies, Sports, Education and Health Science You can also take more career-focused classes if your school offers them, such as job shadowing at a hospital. Social Studies Requirements: Three years of social studies, including US history, is often required to graduate high school. Freshman year: Introductory course This can be a human geography course or another introductory social studies class. Sophomore year: World history Junior year: US History Senior year: Optional electives Possible electives include psychology, US government, and anthropology. Most colleges require completing at least two years of social studies, often including US history and World or European history classes. For students planning on majoring in a related field, such as political science or history, most colleges require they have completed four years of social studies. To Exceed Expectations: Take four years of social studies. Take AP classes when possible during your first three years. AP options during these three years include Human Geography, World History, European History, and US History During your senior year, take an AP social studies elective, if possible. AP electives include Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Psychology, US Government and Politics, and Comparative Government and Politics. IB classes for social studies are offered under the group entitled â€Å"Individuals and Societies†. Ten classes are offered on varying subjects. Foreign Language Requirements: Foreign language requirements can vary greatly by school. Most high schools require students to complete one-two years of foreign language. Most colleges require one-two years of a foreign language, and highly competitive schools may require or recommend up to four years. Most high schools and colleges require that these credits all come from the same foreign language. For example, if your high school requires two years of foreign language, taking Spanish 1 and Spanish 2 will meet that requirement, but taking Spanish 1 and then switching to Italian 1 often won’t. To Exceed Expectations: Take one foreign language all four years of high school, including AP level if possible. You may also want to consider taking a second foreign language. Other Classes These are classes that are not part of the core curriculum, but may still be a part of graduation requirements. Electives Most high schools require students to complete a certain number of credits in order to graduate. Core requirements (such as those listed above) usually do not fill all these credits, so extra space in your schedule can be used to take electives. Electives can be regular, honors, or AP level. They can relate to a core subject, such as statistics, creative writing, and zoology, or not, such as choir, drawing, and woodworking. Physical Education Many high schools require students to complete one-four years of physical education. This may be waived if you participate in a school sport. How to Use This Information Now that you know what the typical high school curriculum looks like, you can use this information to make more informed decisions about your own high school classes. Some actions to take include: Think about your course sequence early, ideally starting freshman year if possible. Reflect on your course choices each quarter or semester. Are you on track to graduate on time? Are you taking the classes you need to get into the colleges you want and the major you want? Talk to your academic adviser if you're not sure. Think about the subject areas where you want to exceed expectations and choose your classes accordingly. However, don't be afraid to drop to a lower level if you're having a lot of trouble with a particular class. What's Next? Wondering if you're taking enough challenging classes? Check out our guide to learn what a rigorous high school course load looks like. Do you know what colleges look for on your transcript? Learn what a high school transcript is and why it's so important to colleges. Want to get more detailed information about the classes you should take? Check out our guides to choosing classes for English, Math, Science, History, and Foreign Languages! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Verbs Like Know

Verbs Like Know Verbs Like Know Verbs Like Know By Maeve Maddox Reader Nancy has noticed the following use of know: If Id know this years ago. This is a non-standard use of the verb, possibly an example of dialect. In standard usage known is the past participle called for in this clause: If Id known this years ago†¦ Know belongs to a small group of verbs that have retained their irregular forms: know-knew-(have) known blow-blew-(have) blown grow-grew-(have) grown throw threw (have) thrown The third form in each example is the past participle form used with the helping verbs have and has. The past participle can also be used as an adjective. Here are some examples: Verb use If Id known this years ago, I would have changed my behavior. The wind has blown without cease for three days. I have grown these tomatoes from seed. Billy has thrown a perfect curve ball. Adjective use Elizabeth George is a well-known author. The youth has no known arrests. My car has a blown gasket. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:30 Synonyms for â€Å"Meeting†How Long Should a Paragraph Be?50 Synonyms for â€Å"Villain†

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Air National Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Air National Case Study - Essay Example Presently, HR today happens to be an amalgam of two wildly distinctive roles, the first being while the second tends to be the personnel functional role that is the daily business of human resources that must be right; however, those daily roles also can be extremely strategic. The HR plays a unique role in helping the leadership of the organization assess all those elements, which tend to affect the strategy (Lepak & Gowan 2008, p.35). Apart from that the HR assists the management team in examining the implications of essential decisions, for instance, when Air National intended to add GoJet as an additional service, there were questions about this new investment project such as, what are the repercussions of introducing this project? What systems or processes necessitate supporting this investment? Is it possible to scale the organization suitably in supporting this new project? Considering that the human resources function turns out to be analytics, as well as metrics driven; only the HR leaders will be capable of providing relevant information in framing key business decisions (Torrington, Hall & Taylor 2008, p.25). In consequence of the challenging times within the business sector, companies have had to respond to the slowdown in economic activity by cost-cutting measures, for instance, the case of Air National there was the selling of aircrafts and buildings, along with the suspending or abandonment of unprofitable routes. Therefore, it is the duty of HR to come up with trends for compensation and benefits, thereby understanding the competitive landscape for top talent, together with the repercussions for employee retention, as well as their morale. This downturn provides a business with the opportunity to recruit extremely talented employees who might have been unaffordable in an improved economic environment, for instance, employees recruited for GoJet (Torrington, Hall & Taylor 2008, p.49). Question Two According to John Storey, there are a number of w ays whereby HRM has the ability of changing earlier attitudes and perceptions of personnel management in regards to managing people as contained in this latest model of HRM. If Air National applies these elements, it will undoubtedly enhance the management of its staff, thereby leading to enhanced performance of the entire company. The HRM must (Ivancevich 2006, p.36):- i) Increasingly seek to connect HRM concerns to the inclusive strategy of the organization. Apparently, organizations having the most effectual HRM policies and practices seek out to assimilate such policies within corporate strategies thereby reinforcing or changing an organization's culture. This is achievable through integrating HRM concerns into an organization's strategic plans thereby securing the acknowledgement and inclusion of a HRM viewpoint within the decisions of line managers. Therefore, HRM policies regarding various functions such as recruitment and training must be internally consistent plus at the sa me time being in harmony with the business strategies hence replicating the organization's core values. ii) Build strong cultures as a way of endorsing certain organizational goals since the aim of a strong culture are uniting employees by means of a shared set of managerially approved values such as quality, service and innovation, which tend to assume the recognition of the employee, as

The Relationship Between Magnetism and Electricity by Bidisha Essay

The Relationship Between Magnetism and Electricity by Bidisha Mukherjee - Essay Example Similarly, a changing magnetic field produces and effects an electric current. However, if a static charge is placed in an electric field, or if the magnetic field is made static, one field would neither produce nor effect the other field. This phenomenon has been put to use in many devise which work on the principle of changing fields. The basic reason for the interplay of fields is that in an atom, a negative charge, the electron, is spinning around a positive core, the nucleus, producing a loop of electric field as a result of this motion. This electric field in turn produces a magnetic field. The article then proceeds to describe the concept of a field, and the scientists who have worked on this relationship between the two fields. It then lists several principles or characteristics of this interchange of fields. It focuses mainly on the need for movement of the particles if a field is to be induced by another field. It also states that both the poles of a magnet, the north and t he south pole, coexist, and there can be no existence of one without the other.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Assessment of drug Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Assessment of drug - Essay Example each year in interdiction efforts. Nevertheless, in 2004, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) reported about 166,000 heroin users in the United States, out of more than 19 million people age 12 and over who reported using an illicit drug within the past month (SAMSHA report, section 1.4). Chronic heroin users may resort to stealing, prostitution and other crimes to pay for their habit. New users turn to snorting and smoking the drug, giving them less of a high but also carrying less of a stigma and avoiding the telltale track marks. The tenacity of heroin's hold on humanity begs the question: Would the United States be better off if heroin -- or some form of poppy-derived opiate -- were legalized Would it be best to let the government, or approved non-governmental organizations and charities, handle maintenance and long-term treatment of heroin users, with the goal of curing them of their addiction The experience in other countries, coupled with medical evidence, shows that it is certainly worth exploring some form of legalization that removes the criminal profit motive and focuses on reducing demand for drugs by treating drug use as a public health concern, rather than a crime. Since Richard Nixon declared war on drugs in 1973, the United States has spent billions in a losing cause trying to eradicate the use of â€Å"illegal† drugs in America. For the 2007 fiscal year alone, the Bush administration requested $12.7 billion for federal drug control efforts (National Drug Control Strategy, 2006, 1), a figure that doesn’t begin to cover state and local law enforcement, court, prison and health care costs, or more esoteric costs such as lost productivity in the workforce. This paper focuses on the potential benefits and risks of partial legalization of heroin -- which, along with cocaine, particularly crack cocaine, probably faces the highest stigma of all illicit drugs. However, the same problems that make heroin so reviled, including its addictiveness and potential for harming the user, are what make heroin an ideal test case for "controlled legalization" along a medical/public health model. Rather than continuing to fight a war that cannot be w on, the United States should beat a strategic retreat -- and seek a true victory elsewhere, looking to actually solve the problem by acknowledging the medical and psychological reasons for drug use in the first place. Then, the nation could focus on addressing those issues head on, without apology, and with an eye on continuous improvement for the betterment of its citizens and communities. Legalization in any form is seen by many as a moral failure. The thinking is, if something is "wrong," it is wrong not to stop it or outlaw it. It has proven difficult, however, in almost a century of legislation, to curtail the use of drugs like heroin, cocaine and marijuana. Instead, the laws have created a pervasive and profitable black market controlled by criminals, who pocket the cash while the American taxpayer foots the bill. Legalization in some form, with the intent of controlling demand, could go a long way toward eliminating criminal trafficking, deaths and overdoses due to impure/too pure product and the spread of deadly diseases such as AIDS and hepatitis. Refocusing heroin as a sign of a medical condition, not a criminal or moral failing, would bring users into treatment where they

Manifesto report and Stakeholders Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Manifesto report and Stakeholders - Essay Example Energy which is the economic drive is another resource which we have to reduce its uses and try to come up with renewable sources of energy. My government will fund innovations geared towards production of renewable sources of energy. Funding these innovations will be one way of creating employment to the unemployed citizens as well as increasing our nation’s income. This will ensure that we will be having continuous supply of energy to run our nation’s activities be it industrial or official as well more employment opportunities for the unemployed citizens. We are looking forward to subsidize the prices of fertilizers by 10% to make them more affordable to the farmers so that they can produce healthy produce and increase their annual yield. However, it is my wish that we adopt to using manure instead of the inorganic fertilizers which is eco-friendly and very cheap since the manure is readily available in our farms (Fukuoka, 1985). If we will be spending less than we earn, it means that our national income will increase, in which new opportunities will be created leading to employment to thousands to our jobless citizens (Chester , G. A., 2013). This will also mean that the cost of production for the locally manufactured goods will be low hence low inflation. A nation with low inflation rate of less than 5% attracts more investors to come and invest and also enhances its international trade, which is my government’s mission. My government will work hand in hand with the European dimensions as they help us in several ways like teaching us on how the global markets are doing, which product is selling well in the market, reducing levies on European countries hence help in promoting trade amongst its member states. We are ready to work together with European dimension as this means that even labor can be moved from our country to the others at cheap charges which in return will

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Collaborative mangnement of Pain and Agitation Essay

Collaborative mangnement of Pain and Agitation - Essay Example The first step in the management of pain and agitation is assessment. This includes patient characteristics, type and method of injury, clinical status of the patient, associated mortality and morbidity and assessment of the degree of pain and agitation. Pain assessment mainly validated scales, along with vital signs and subjective and objective assessment. Agitation must be defined and risk factors identified (Greenway, 2010). In postoperative patients, pain along with agitation that occurs when the patient is awaken from agitated states, is a major challenge. It is very important to rule out causes for agitation like hypercapnia, hypoxemia, gastric distension and retention of urine with distension of bladder. Treatment of such triggering factors for agitation usually helps resolve agitation. Also, in postoperative pain, factors like onset, site of surgery,severity, incidence and age also must be taken into account. Those with neurotic personality traits are likely to suffer more pa in than others. Preoperative pain counseling also has a major influence on postoperative pain. While mild pain can be managed with mild narcotics, severe pain may need higher doses of narcotic drugs. When narcotics are used for pain relief, they decrease respiratory rate and the tidal volume and also regularize the pattern of respiration. However, narcotic induced depression of respiration is a potential sequelae and hence dosing of narcotics must be done cautiously. Encouraging the patient to breathe deeply and cough is another strategy to decrease pain and agitation. Morphine is a good narcotic for postoperative analgesia and decrease of agitation. The dose is 1-3 mg, given every 15- 30 minutes. Continuous infusion of narcotics is better than intermittent bolus doses because it allows maintenance of constant blood levels of narcotics and the dosage requirement per day is also low. However, it requires careful monitoring of the patient and titration of doses. Patient controlled ana lgesia is a better option in this regard. Other modes of provision of analgesia include regional analgesia and epidural block. In intensive care patients, agitation affects atleast 71 percent of patients. Pain aggravates agitation. Other factors which contribute to increased agitation are anxiety, delirium and illness. In some cases, sedation also may lead to agitation (Siegel et al, 2003). Treatment of agitation is often neglected despite the fact that it is very important to treat agitation to improve clinical outcomes and fasten recovery. Management of pain and anxiety to some extent decreases agitaion. Anxiolysis is possible by giving drugs like benzodiazepines. However, since over sedation itself can lead to agitation, it is important carefully decide upon the dosing of sedatives (Siegel et al, 2003). Pain and agitation can occur even in chronic pain and primary care physicians find in challenging to manage such scenarios. According to a study by Dobscha et al (2009), collabora tive management of pain and agitation between psychologists and physicians delivers better clinical outcomes than the routine management by physicians alone. Improvement has been reported to be better in terms of severity of pain, disability related to pain and depression. According to the researchers, "although many of the improvements were modest, they may be especially meaningful because patients in our sample were older, had long-standing pain, multiple medical problems, and reported high baseline rates of

Media Interpretation about the movie ' V for Vendetta' Essay

Media Interpretation about the movie ' V for Vendetta' - Essay Example ‘Saving Private Ryan’ is a war film. It can also be classified as an action or epic genre since most war films are frequently paired with other genres like action and epics. There are various generic features of this film that show us that it is a war film. War films are characterized by the horrors and heartbreaks that come with war (Ebert, 1998). They allow the actual fighting of the combatants against either humanity or nations to offer the principal plot for the film’s action. The films take a denunciatory methodology toward war (Jeanine, 1998). In the film ‘Saving Private Ryan’, we can conclude that it belongs to a war genre as it was set during the incursion of Normandy during the Second World War. The film is evidenced by a graphic as well as a genuine depiction of warfare. The first twenty seven minutes of the film are so intense and they depict the assault that took place in the beach of Omaha on June 6, 1944. There is also evidence of a squa d of soldiers. It can be said to be an action genre because it encompasses fights and battles. Lastly, it can be said to be an epic genre because as it presents the historical events that took place during the Second World War (Halton, 1998). The film ‘Saving Private Ryan’ was made by Amblin Entertainment Mutual Film Company (Collins, 2008). This television and film production company is based in the United States of America. It was founded by Steven Spielberg who was actually the director of this film. Amblin Entertainment Mutual Film Company works with other media companies such as DreamWorks Studio. It is a coincidence that the principal partner of the DreamWorks Studios happens to be Steven Spielberg (Natale, 1998). DreamWorks Studios has been rated as the most successful and influential in the film industry. This greatly enhanced the marketing of the ‘Saving Private Ryan’ film. The reputation that both Amblin Entertainment and DreamWorks Studios have in the film

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Collaborative mangnement of Pain and Agitation Essay

Collaborative mangnement of Pain and Agitation - Essay Example The first step in the management of pain and agitation is assessment. This includes patient characteristics, type and method of injury, clinical status of the patient, associated mortality and morbidity and assessment of the degree of pain and agitation. Pain assessment mainly validated scales, along with vital signs and subjective and objective assessment. Agitation must be defined and risk factors identified (Greenway, 2010). In postoperative patients, pain along with agitation that occurs when the patient is awaken from agitated states, is a major challenge. It is very important to rule out causes for agitation like hypercapnia, hypoxemia, gastric distension and retention of urine with distension of bladder. Treatment of such triggering factors for agitation usually helps resolve agitation. Also, in postoperative pain, factors like onset, site of surgery,severity, incidence and age also must be taken into account. Those with neurotic personality traits are likely to suffer more pa in than others. Preoperative pain counseling also has a major influence on postoperative pain. While mild pain can be managed with mild narcotics, severe pain may need higher doses of narcotic drugs. When narcotics are used for pain relief, they decrease respiratory rate and the tidal volume and also regularize the pattern of respiration. However, narcotic induced depression of respiration is a potential sequelae and hence dosing of narcotics must be done cautiously. Encouraging the patient to breathe deeply and cough is another strategy to decrease pain and agitation. Morphine is a good narcotic for postoperative analgesia and decrease of agitation. The dose is 1-3 mg, given every 15- 30 minutes. Continuous infusion of narcotics is better than intermittent bolus doses because it allows maintenance of constant blood levels of narcotics and the dosage requirement per day is also low. However, it requires careful monitoring of the patient and titration of doses. Patient controlled ana lgesia is a better option in this regard. Other modes of provision of analgesia include regional analgesia and epidural block. In intensive care patients, agitation affects atleast 71 percent of patients. Pain aggravates agitation. Other factors which contribute to increased agitation are anxiety, delirium and illness. In some cases, sedation also may lead to agitation (Siegel et al, 2003). Treatment of agitation is often neglected despite the fact that it is very important to treat agitation to improve clinical outcomes and fasten recovery. Management of pain and anxiety to some extent decreases agitaion. Anxiolysis is possible by giving drugs like benzodiazepines. However, since over sedation itself can lead to agitation, it is important carefully decide upon the dosing of sedatives (Siegel et al, 2003). Pain and agitation can occur even in chronic pain and primary care physicians find in challenging to manage such scenarios. According to a study by Dobscha et al (2009), collabora tive management of pain and agitation between psychologists and physicians delivers better clinical outcomes than the routine management by physicians alone. Improvement has been reported to be better in terms of severity of pain, disability related to pain and depression. According to the researchers, "although many of the improvements were modest, they may be especially meaningful because patients in our sample were older, had long-standing pain, multiple medical problems, and reported high baseline rates of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Debating Structured vs. Unstructured Methods for Qualitative Research Assignment

Debating Structured vs. Unstructured Methods for Qualitative Research - Assignment Example 50). Goodwin and Goodwin (1996, p. 136) categorized interview in to different four categories based on literatures. They identified structured, semi-structured, informal and retrospective interviews. Structured interview is one that uses preset and preplanned questions whereas unstructured interview is one that doesn’t use predetermined questions except at the very beginning. In qualitative study, structured interview focuses on open-ended questions on response categories that are probably more complex than worded-rating scales such as likert scale used in questionnaire method. Since each respondent is asked the same set of pre-set and pre-established questions in the same order in a structured interview, most researchers avoid this method because of that it tends to stifle the flexibility (Daymon and Holloway, 2010, p. 224). Researchers usually avoid structured interview in qualitative research because they find it most useful as a pilot tool for writing an effective survey instrument and surveys have the advantage of being easily distributed to several people at the same time (Shank, 2006, p. 50). Structured interview is more or less a kind of survey instrument and this is evident from Maxwell’s (2012, p. 88) point that structured interview is equated with quantitative research.... They stressed that structure interviews provide clarity and focus for those researchers who are new in the field and are quite worried about diffusions or overload. Though both structured and unstructured have merits and demerits and are fit for certain various different research purposes, unstructured method is more equated to qualitative research and is more flexible since it allows the researcher use dynamic, deviated and wise questions according to varying circumstances. Most literatures including Maxwell (2012, p. 89) and Miles and Huberman (1994, p. 18) emphasized that unstructured interview provided more economical, comparable and potentially generalized findings. Conducting an unstructured interview perhaps requires a great deal of skills and talents, but still, it has the virtue of being guided by the interviewee. In this discussion form, I strongly recommend that an unstructured interview is always better as the researcher is allowed to focus on particular phenomena and to follow the interests of informants when they relate to their own thought process. References Daymon, C & Holloway, I. 2010, Qualitative Research Methods in Public Relations and Marketing Communications, Second edition, Routledge Goodwin, W. L & Goodwin, L.D. 1996, Understanding Quantitative and Qualitative Research in Early Childhood Education, Teachers College Press Shank, G.D. 2006, Qualitative Research: A Personal Skills Approach, Second Edition, Merrill Prentice Hall, Pearson Education Inc Maxwell, J.A. 2012, Qualitative Research Design: An Interactive Approach: An Interactive Approach, SAGE Miles, M. B., & Huberman , A.M. 1994, Qualitative Data Analysis: An Expanded Sourcebook, SAGE Assignment: 2, Week 5 Application Position paper on sample size In sampling, one of the

Monday, October 14, 2019

Online Education vs Traditional Education Essay Example for Free

Online Education vs Traditional Education Essay Have you ever enrolled in an online class and a traditional class at the same time? Kaleb has tried both unfortunately one was more successful than the other. Kaleb is taking Anatomy and English, Anatomy is an online class and English is a traditional class. He excels in his English class due the face-to-face interaction and swift feedback from the instructor and his peers. The online class on the other hand was the total opposite; here he is sitting in front of the computer dazed and confused trying to figure what to do next. Kaleb is an auditory and tactile learner so he needs physical contact and interaction. The online class did not provide that physical contact and feedback he needed so he was not very successful in it. Although online and traditional educations are both forms of learning, traditional education is more informative due to the availability, discussion/communication, and structure. Traditional courses have availability to its advantage considering that some students often fail online courses because of lack in availability. In a traditional course you have that face to face interaction and physical contact. Your professors are available on hand for you to ask questions about things you do not understand. Your classmates are physically available for you all to interact with each other questions. Online courses lack the swift feedback you receive in a traditional classroom. When learning something new you need that immediate availability that the traditional classroom provides. Class communication and discussions are very helpful when taking any type of class. Online courses do have discussions, because the communications for online courses are not definite. Online communication is somewhat unreliable; communicating with a peer online will not always receive a response. Traditional class’s communication and discussion are beneficial; if you have information or responses for one of your peers you will immediately receive a response. Unlike online classes, in a traditional course you have class discussion where you are graded to participate. Having discussions during class gives you an opportunity to give your input on the discussion taking place, it also gives you a chance to voice and concerns you have. Also when you have the face to face interaction that I mentioned in the last paragraph you are able to get a response right away without having to wait on an electronic response. Structure in the classroom is very important. In order to have a successful class you have to orchestrate some type of order. Traditional courses have rules that you must follow if you would like to continue the course that you are enrolled in. Traditional courses have rules such as attendance policies and assignment due dates. Unlike online courses, traditional classes have required participation and presentation you have to perform in every course. Whenever you have these rules and requirements you perform better and excel in your class. Last, even though online and traditional educations are both forms of learning traditional education is more beneficial and informative due to availability, discussion/communication, and structure. Online courses may be preferred by some students, but when enrolled in such a course you have to be prepared and able to teach yourself and learn accordingly. Although, Kaleb tried both online and traditional courses, he realized that traditional courses are more informative especially for him considering that he is a hand on learner. Now Kaleb will think twice before he enrolls into another online class.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Queen Versuse Dudley And Stephens

The Queen Versuse Dudley And Stephens In this report, I will be using the sited case The Queen v. Dudley and Stephens (1884) with reference to the relevant moral philosophies to anlayse what are the possible options that people would decide when they are in the same situation as Dudley. Four English sailors were trapped at sea in a small lifeboat in the South Atlantic, over a thousand miles from land. They had only two cans of preserved turnips and no fresh water. They had been without food and water for several days. And finally, Captain Thomas Dudley suggested killing Richard Parker so that they could feed on him. Dudley and Stephens ended up killing Parker, and ate him to survive. They were rescued four days later and went to trial. They were sentenced to death penalty; however, their sentence was reduced to six months imprisonment later. 2 Utilitarianism and Categorical Imperative According to Jeremy Bentham (1748 1832), the utilitarian philosophy states that the right thing to do is whatever will maximize utility. He meant utility as whatever produces pleasure or happiness and whatever prevents pain or sufferings. He had made the assumption that human are governed by the feelings of pain and pleasure and that human like pleasure and dislike pain. This doctrine said that the right thing to do is whatever produces the greatest good for the greatest number. On the other hand, Immanuel Kant (1724 1804) provides us with another alternative philosophy Categorical Imperative. He said that categorical locates morality in certain duties and right regardless of the consequences. He regards morality not as to maximize happiness but rather regard people as an end, and never as a means to an end. We should treat people with respect and not use them as mere instruments. 3 Moral and Ethical Issues Raised Some moral issues raised from this case would be that Would it be morally justified to kill an innocent person out of necessity in order to prevent many other innocent persons from dying?; Would it makes a difference if Parker gave consent to be the one being killed? and Will it be morally justified to feed on Parker, assuming he died naturally? Some may argue that it would be essential to kill one person in order to save three lives. In this case, they support Benthams utilitarianism. While others might oppose the idea of utilitarianism and argue that Parker would have the right to live and to kill a person is considered as murder regardless of the reason which suggests the doctrine of categorical imperative. 4 Viewpoints of Captain Thomas Dudley and Edwin Stephen Both Dudley and Stephen claimed that they killed and ate Parker. Under the extreme situation, they had no choice but to kill someone out of necessity. Why is necessity so important to the extent that someone will kill another person in order to save the many other people? According to Oxford dictionary, necessity is defined as a thing that you must have and cannot manage without. Maslows hierarchy of needs states that you have to fulfill the basic physiological needs before other needs. Physiological needs refer to food, air, water, breathing, nutrition, etc. Dudley and Stephen were faced with the situation without food and water, which are considered as their basic needs. I believe that in this case, the fear of dying (without food and water for several days) makes them do anything in order to survive for a short while longer to sustain hope of rescue. Their own lives and families motivated them to kill Parker. The decision made might be unacceptable by others. During near-death experience, Parker was regarded as food to them; they would not think that it is morally wrong by eating him. Majority in the same situation as them would have probably done the same thing. For instance, people suffering from famine, often turn to practice cannibalism as a last resort. During the famine period (1609 1610) in colonial Jamestown, colonists turned to cannibalism. One man was confessed to have killed and eaten his pregnant wife out of necessity (Colonial Williamsburg, 2007). They figured out that the best decision that will benefit most of the people would be to kill Parker, the weakened and ill, since he is the most likely to die before them. I have made an assumption that they had used Benthams idea of utility a common currency of value to evaluate the benefits. They had translated human life into monetary terms. They had families to support unlike Parker who had no dependents. Therefore, the death of Parker will not only benefit Dudley and Stephen, but also their families in terms of financial support and no grieving over lost of their families. They do not regard this as morally incorrect as they think that the decision made was for the greatest good for the greatest number. Professor Michael Sandels example The Runway Trolley shows that most of the people would turn the trolley car onto the side track, killing one person instead of five persons for the first scenario. This is similar to the case of Dudley and Stephen where they killed one person in order to save more people except that in the trolley case is not cannibalism. They have made the same decision as what the majority will do. 5 Viewpoints of Dudley and Stephens Families Their interests would be that Dudley and Stephen ought to have the right to live. I supposed they supported utilitarianism where Dudley and Stephen would be considered as morally justified to have eaten Parker out of necessity. I think that the idea of the greatest good for the greatest number is supported by their families. Without this, Dudley and Stephen would be deem as criminal and maybe sentenced to death. They considered their welfare as a whole would be more beneficial than having all four sailors to die, leaving their families with grieve and no support. 6 Viewpoints of Richard Parker Dudley and Stephens disrespected Parkers individual rights. Everyone have the right to live, however, utilitarianism only concerns about the sum of satisfactions. In Parkers viewpoints, I think that he would favour impartiality, where he gets the right to choose. Impartiality would mean that each persons interests are equally important; from the moral point of view, there are no privileged persons. We must recognise other peoples welfare as important as their own. Another issue raised is that he is an orphan and he had no dependents, does this mean that they could violate Parkers individual rights? The United States Declaration of Independence declared in 1766 that all men are endowed with certain inalienable rights, and that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I think that Parker prefers categorical imperative than utilitarianism. Categorical treat people as end instead of treating the person as a tool to achieve something else. It would be morally wrong, to use Parker as a tool for their own survival. 7 Viewpoints of General Public General public would be interested to know how this verdict would impact future similar cases. Precedent becomes binding and must be followed by courts of same rank. If judge allows the use of necessity as a defence, then there will be a higher risk of more atrocious crime. And the problem rise with who should decide what is considered as necessity. 8 My Stand as Captain Thomas Dudley If I were Dudley, I would not kill Parker and rather wait for rescue under the same circumstances. I would define moral as the principles of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong. I would support categorical imperative in this situation. The reasons for my choice are as below: Individual rights I believe that human have certain fundamental rights. Kant mentioned that every person is worthy of respect, not because we own ourselves but because we are rational beings, capable of reason; we are also autonomous beings, capable of acting and choosing freely. We should take into account of individual needs. However, utilitarianism would argue that by taking account of individual needs rather than the overall needs would produce greater unhappiness over happiness. Utilitarianism requires us to promote the general welfare which results in no priority given to our own interests. It stated that every persons life and interest rank equally with everyone elses. For instance, if a parent thinks that by sacrificing his child to be burned in a building, thinking that someone else in the building should be saved as their future contribution to the general welfare seems greater than the childs. (Cyndi Banks, 2004) I would think that the parents act as immoral. This is because family and friends are not just members of humanity, they are special to us and if we were to show no more concern for their welfare than others, it just does not seem right. I think to put a common currency of value to human life would be inappropriate. Human life is beyond calculations and assigning monetary terms to it does not suffice. This is because money could not buy health (life). Murder is murder, innocent Moreover, I think that murder is considered as fundamentally wrong, no matter under what situation; murder is still not morally permissible. No doubt that sometimes murder is use as self-defense, but it would still be morally wrong. If they were to do so, then what is the difference between them and the person who is causing danger to them? For example, in the case of terrorists, they killed thousands of people so as to achieve their purpose. When these terrorists were caught by the police, they interrogated and tortured them. In this way, the police are acting like the terrorists where they use others so as to achieve their goal. Kant said that we should not use people as instruments to achieve their own goals. I would agree to his idea that individual has the rights to live and it is unfair to make use of them to achieve their goal. Some may say that the terrorists deserved for what they have done. However, Parker is innocent, he did not do anything wrong to Dudley and Stephen nor did he choose to die. Consent This raised another issue of whether consent were given by Parker, would be morally justifiable for Dudley to do so. I think that the consent given by Parker would be a good reason (but not necessary the morally right reason) for Dudley to kill him. This merely lessens Dudleys guilt, but still morally incorrect. It does not mean that the permission given to do something would be morally correct. For example, if A were to give permission to B to kill C, does this mean that B is correct? I believe that everyone would agree that B is wrong. Necessity Parker had no family whereas Dudley and Stephen had families at home. They were without food and water for numerous days and the decision to kill Parker might have save the rest. I understand that under extreme situation, the fear of dying would make someone do something that he or she would not have done previously. However, this does not permit them to kill parker. I think that under no circumstances that someone has the power to voluntary take another persons life. Lord Denning laid down the general approach from the case of Southwark London Borough Council v Williams (1971) that necessity should be denied as a defence otherwise anarchy and disorder would follow. He add on that if hunger was allowed to become the basis of necessity, any poor person might seek to justify burglary to steal food by saying that he or she had reasonable believed that this was a response to the threat of malnutrition. As a rational person, I believe that this would not be what the general public would want. Therefore, even in Benthams point of view, to measure the overall happiness, I think it would be more appropriate to consider the general public instead of just Dudley, Stephen and their families. It would be morally wrong for Dudley and Stephen to kill Parker. Die naturally and feed on parker? 9 Conclusion I think that people will determine the right thing to do (whether involved or as onlookers), and decide based on different philosophies for different situations. They tend not to follow one particular philosophy at all times. For example, the case of ticking time bomb, where torturing of terrorist is required to reveal the bombs location (Michael Sandel, 2009). I believe majority would support the idea of torturing the terrorist to save thousands of lives even we are uncertain of whether he knows about the location. I still think that it would be morally wrong to torture the terrorist because I do not want to act like a terrorist. However, I think that it is not about right or wrong but rather you must do it even though you knew it was wrong. The difference between this case and Dudleys case would be the impact. In the terrorists case, not only thousands of lives are involved, the impact is greater where other countries might also be affected as well (financial and tourism). Secondly, I think that guilty does not equate to morally incorrect and vice versa. Similarly, law and morality are not the same, and many things may be immoral which are not necessarily illegal. If these men were to be found innocent, it would signal the divorce of law from morality. Lastly, I think that it would be a wise decision for not allowing necessity to be used as defence. Just like what Lord Denning had said, by allowing necessity as a defence, disorder would follow. Then what is the purpose for having law and justice? Law is to uphold the justice in society, if necessity can be used as defence, and then there would be a lot of excuses of the wrongdoer.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Graduation Speech: We Rule the World :: Graduation Speech, Commencement Address

We did it! We started from essentially nothing, a cold, boring piece of school district land and built it into a high school. Not just any high school, but our high school. Without standards and traditions to follow or be guided by, we shaped the halls of Private High School into something special. Now I'm sure that every senior class from Oshkosh, Wisconsin to Boring, Oregon to Fairbanks, Alaska to Beverly Hills, California feels that they really make a difference. And granted I'm sure many of them did. But I challenge any of them to start from what we did and build one of the most highly regarded high schools in the state. We've played for the President of the United States, we've stopped 51-game winning streaks, and we've built a robot. We have broken into post season play, won numerous debate awards, and ventured to the studios of Hollywood. We have gained respect by earning it. The administration, teachers, and other classes contributed immensely to this respectability, but no one has gone through what the Senior Class of 2012 has. We didn't think anything was different when teachers were handing out detentions, aka pink slips, like candy. We had just come from Junior High and didn't know anything different. When there were no wins and subsequently no spirit, we didn't realize that wasn't high school. Yet something told us that there had to be more. When we traveled to schools such as Cascade and Blanchet and saw what high school was "supposed" to be, a glimpse into what we might became was gained. And still what it was "supposed" to be wasn't what it ought to be, and definitely not what we wanted it to be. By growing from our innocent beginnings, everyone from the typical "computer nerd" to the all American "jock," albeit many unknowingly and others certainly unadmittingly, share a common bond. A unique feeling of care for one another that will never diminish. It is truly amazing that in such a large group of individuals there is a oneness, a love, for each other that can never be broken. It is a wonderful feeling that you've got a friend. It is this feeling, this love, that we now must take into a world of chaos. A world where wages are low and prices are high. There is more crime, more hatred, and more lethal weapons than ever before. We have nuclear, chemical, water, and air pollutions of all kinds.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Cognitive Behavioral Theory Essay

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a short-term, problem-centered therapy that is used to address psychopathology within the individual (Beck, 1995). This model of therapy is used to address issues of depression, anxiety, eating disorders, relational problems, and drug abuse, and can be utilized when working with individuals, as well as within group and family modalities. The core aspects of this therapy include collaboration and participation by the client, a strong alliance between therapist and client, and an initial focus on current problems and functioning (Beck, 1995). The theory of CBT emphasizes the relationship between the individual’s thoughts feelings and behaviors, which is seen as being the underlying cause of psychopathology in individuals. Therefore, this theory asserts that the identification, evaluation, and modification of one’s negative thoughts will lead to an improvement in one’s mood and behaviors (Beck, 1995). It is important to understand the concepts and theory from which CBT is based in order for it to be efficiently implemented in therapeutic work with individuals, groups, or families. While CBT is used to treat psychological disorders, this theory can be examined by looking at the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of individual’s with an absence of psychopathology. Beck (1979) and Beck (1995) present the cognitive model in order to explain the theory of CBT. The cognitive model demonstrates that the emotions that an individual experiences and the behaviors that they exhibit are a result of their perception of a situation or event (Beck, 1995). When in any given situation, an individual’s immediate thought response is their automatic thought (Beck, 1995). These thoughts are an immediate evaluation of the situation, which in turn directly influence the feeling that a person has about the situation. Automatic thoughts are experienced by everyone and occur in the individual’s mind prior to reasoning. These thoughts occur swiftly and often times the individual may be unaware that they have occurred, being more observant of the emotion that they are feeling in the moment (Beck, 1995). Once an automatic thought occurs within the individual, it triggers a feeling, which in turn triggers the individual’s response, such as a behavior and/or physiological response. For example, after a young child begins to pick up his blocks to be put away, his mother rubs him on the back and gives him praise for his actions. His automatic thought may be, â€Å"I am good when I put away blocks,† triggering a feeling of confidence, an increased level of physical energy, and the behavior of putting away the remaining blocks. Automatic thoughts can be neutral, positive, or negative. We all have our own automatic thoughts as we move through our day-to-day lives and interact with others. In regards to individuals with psychological disorders, the cognitive model looks at how negative thoughts influence the individual’s feelings and behaviors (Beck, 1995). From a CBT lens, it is the negative automatic thoughts that an individual has that perpetuate symptoms of psychological disorders, the occurrence of negative mood, uncomfortable physiological responses, and maladaptive or inappropriate behaviors (Beck, 1995). While we all have moments of experiencing negative automatic thoughts, for those with psychological disorders, and more pervasive difficulties in living, negative thoughts are often experienced in situations that are neutral, producing negative feelings that lead to maladaptive behaviors or responses that would not typically be expected from the neutral situation (Beck, 1995). Aaron Beck presents theory of the cognitive model of how depression is rooted and perpetuated in individuals as a result of the interaction between negative automatic thoughts, feelings, and behavioral response. In this discussion, depression is conceptualized in terms of the cognitive triad, which describes three components of negative thinking of the depressed individual: the individual’s negative view of self, their negative view of the others and the world, and their negative view of the future (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979). The cognitive triad is maintained via the remaining components of Beck’s cognitive model of depression, the individual’s schemas, or core beliefs, and the utilization of faulty thinking, or cognitive errors (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979). Cognitive theory asserts that our automatic thoughts are rooted in our core belief system or cognitive schemas. Core beliefs begin to be developed early in life and are based on experiences that the individual has throughout their life. Because these beliefs are so grounded in how the individual views their life, others, and the world, and begin to be cultivated so early in development, they become a fundamental aspect of the individual, who considers them to be absolute truths (Beck, 1995). Core beliefs are deeply rooted in an individual, so much so that the individual may be unaware of the belief and how it influences their thoughts about themselves and the world. Each belief can have varying levels of presence within an individual’s day to day life, with some core beliefs remaining predominately dormant and only being activated in certain situations, while others may be frequently present in an individual’s thoughts (Beck, 1995). It is the individual’s cognitive schemas that allows for the categorization and evaluation of different experiences or situations (Beck, Rush, Shaw, and Emery, 1979). The core belief system maintains the way an individual experiences and thinks about a given situation (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979). While everyone conceptualizes a given situation in their own way, each individual typically conceptualizes similar situations in a similar way based on their own core beliefs (Beck, Rush, Shaw, and Emery, 1979). Within a set of similar situations, the individual’s core beliefs trigger automatic thoughts, which in turn trigger the individual’s emotional and behavioral response. Over time, the individual’s responses to similar situations become more consistent, thereby causing the development of a routine response to these types of situations. As this consistently occurs, the schema connected to particular type of event is further developed and the individual’s assertion that the belief holds absolute truth is strengthened (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979). Beck’s theory underlying CBT focuses on the idea that symptoms of depression, as well as those of other psychological disorders, are developed and maintained through to the individual’s negative core beliefs and triggered negative thoughts. In addition to the individual’s negative schemas, Beck’s theory states that the cognitive triad of negative cognitions of self, others, and future is further perpetuated through patterns of faulty thinking (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979). There are a variety of faulty thinking mechanisms that are used by individual’s to support their automatic thoughts and core beliefs, even in light of contradictory evidence (Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979). This type of thinking can be characterized as labeling, over generalizing, personalization, emotional reasoning, magnification or minimization, and all-or-nothing or impetrative thinking (Beck, 1995). These cognitive errors are often extreme and unrealistic ways in which the individual assesses and draws conclusions regarding their problems, which is then used to further support their negative belief system and automatic thoughts. CBT theory declares that the individual can learn to identify their automatic thoughts, thereby creating an avenue for changing the emotions, behaviors, and psychological responses to various situations. When utilizing CBT with a client, it is necessary for the therapist to conceptualize the individual’s presenting problems from the perspective of the cognitive model (Beck, 1995). This can be done through the work of gathering information regarding the individual’s current problems, diagnosis, and how the problems have been developed and maintained. As this information is collected, the CBT therapist begins to assess and identify the inaccurate and unhelpful thoughts connected to the problems, and the behaviors that are exhibited as a result of this thinking (Beck, 1995). As this is done, the therapist can then begin to guide the individual to identify, examine, and correct or modify the negative automatic thoughts, underlying core beliefs, and faulty thinking mechanisms that have sustained the presenting problems (Beck, 1995).

Thursday, October 10, 2019

The Chinese Wedding Day

Chinese Marriage Custom 1. The Proposal. The process starts with an elaborate marriage and acceptance. This process was placed in the hand of go-between, who acted as a buffer between two parties. The important parties in proposal and betrothal negotiations were the parents of the bride and groom, rather than the bride and the groom. When the boy’s parents identified a future bride, they would send the go-between to present gifts to the girl’s parents and to express their feelings about the match. If the proposal was well-received, the go-between would obtain the date and hour of the girl’s birth recorded on a formal document.The groom’s family would place this document on the ancestral altar for three days. If no suspicious omens, e. g. quarrels between the parents or a loss of property, took place within that time, the parents would give the information to an astrological expert to confirm that the young woman and their son would make a good match. If th e boy’s family found the horoscope to be favourable, they gave the boy’s birth date and birth hour to the go-between to bring to the girl’s family, who would go through the same process. Only after both outcomes were favourable, the two families will arrange to meet.Finally after discussion, each family evaluated the other in terms of appearance, education, character, and social status. If both were satisfied they would proceed to the betrothal. 2. The Betrothal. First both parents exchanged family credentials as tokens of intention. Then, after extensive bargaining, the two families would arrive at the amount of money and goods that would make up the gift to the girl’s family. After presenting engagement tokens, the go-between would ask the bride’s family to choose among several wedding dates suggested by the boy’s family and also set a date for presenting betrothal gifts.The boy’s family presented betrothal gifts of money and signif icant items such as tea, â€Å"Dragon (male) and Phoenix (female)† bridal cakes, pairs of male and female poultry, sweetmeats and sugar, wine and tobacco, accompanied by an itemized statement of these gifts. Tea was such a primary part of these gifts in some areas that they were known collectively as cha-li, that is, â€Å"tea presents. † The girl’s family reciprocated with gifts of food and clothing. It was customary for the girl’s family to distribute the bridal cakes they received from the boy’s family to friends and relatives as a form of announcement and invitation to the wedding feast.The boy’s family’s gifts acknowledged the parents’ efforts in accepting the girl, and by accepting the gifts, the girl’s family pledged her to the boy’s family. Several days after the presentation of the betrothal gifts, the girl’s family sent porters with an inventoried dowry to the boy’s house. The dowry consist ed of practical items, including a chamber pot, filled for the occasion with fruit and strings of coins. This procession gave the girl’s family the opportunity to display both their social status and their love for their daughter, and wealthy parents often included serving girls to attend their daughter in her new home.The betrothal generally lasted for a year or two, although the betrothal would last until the children had grown to marriageable age. 3. Before The Wedding. In preparation for her departure, the future bride retreated from the ordinary routine and lived in seclusion in a separate part of the house with her closest friends. During this moment, the young women sang and mourning the bride’s separation from her family and vowing in front of the go-between and as well as the groom’s family and the girl’s parents.Since this sleep-over often took place in the cock loft, the bride’s emergence on her wedding day is sometimes referred to as â €Å"coming of the cock loft†. The preparation on the part of the groom involving the installation the bed on the day before the wedding. A man or women with many children and living mates, were selected to install a newly purchased bed. After the bed was in place, children were invited onto the bed as an omen of fertility. For the same reason, the bed was scattered with red dates, oranges, lotus seeds, peanuts, pomegranates and other fruits. 4. The Wedding Day.At dawn on her wedding day (or the night before), the bride bathed in water infused with pumelo, a variety of grapefruit, to cleanse her of evil influences. A ‘good luck woman’ attended the bridal preparations. She spoke auspicious words while dressing the bride’s hair in the style of a married woman. After the hair is styled, the bride emerged from her retreat. She was carried to the main hall on the back of the ‘good luck’ woman or her most senior sister-in-law. There she donned a jack et and skirt and stepped into a pair of red shoes, placed in the center of a sieve.The bride’s face was covered with either a red silk veil or a ‘curtain’ of tassels or beads that hung from the bridal Phoenix crown. (The photo below was taken at the mock wedding at a prior year’s Chinese Summer Festival. After completing her wedding preparations, the bride bowed to her parents and to the ancestral tablets and awaited the arrival of the bridal procession from the groom’s house. Dressed in a long gown, red shoes and a red silk sash with a silk ball on his shoulder, the groom knelt at the family altar while his father placed a cap decorated with cypress leaves on his head.The groom bowed first before the tablets of Heaven and Earth and his ancestors, then to his parents and the assembled family members. His father removed the silk ball from the sash and placed it on top of the bridal sedan chair. Next is the process to obtain the bride. The firecracker s start to play, the loud gong and also drums marked the starting process. The groom starts the procession led by the kids as a sign of his future kid. The groom would to the bride’s house to fetch her, taking with him the bridal chair, which was completely covered with red satin and fresh flowers.On arriving at the bride’s house, the groom’s party was met by the bride’s friends, who would not ‘surrender ’the bride until they were satisfied by red packets of money, ang pau from the groom’s representative. This was the occasion of much good-natured haggling before the two parties could reach an agreement. In some cases, the groom would take dinner with the bride’s family, and receive a pair of chopsticks and two wine goblets wrapped in red paper, symbolic of his receiving the joy of the family in the person of their daughter. In some regions, he would be offered sweet longan tea, two hard-boiled eggs in syrup and transparent nood les.Another variation was the groom’s partaking of soup with a soft-boiled egg, the yolk of which he was expected to break, arguably symbolic of breaking the bride’s ties with her family. The ‘good luck woman’ or a dajin, employed by the bride’s family to look after the bride, carried the bride on her back to the chair. Another bridesmaid might shield the bride with a parasol while a third tossed rice at the sedan chair. Sometimes the bride was borne out in a wooden ‘cage’ with her feet padlocked –; presumably a remnant from rougher times with extremely reluctant brides.A sieve, shai-tse, which would strain out evil, and a metallic mirror, king, which would reflect light, were suspended at the rear of the bride’s sedan to protect her from evil influence. The bride might also attach a special mirror to her garment, which she would not remove until she was safely seated upon the marriage bed. Firecrackers were set off to fri ghten away evil spirits as the bride departed in the sedan chair. The physical movement symbolized the transfer of the bride from her parent’s family to her husband’s. Great care was taken to ensure that no inauspicious influence would affect the marriage.The female attendants who escorted the bride to her new home were chosen with particular care that the horoscope animals of their birth years were compatible with that of the bridegroom. The sedan chair itself was heavily curtained to prevent the bride from inadvertently glimpsing an unlucky sight, e. g. a widow, a well, or even a cat. Attendants scattered grain or beans, symbols of fertility, before her. Once again, firecrackers were set off just before the procession arrived. A red mat was placed before the sedan chair for the bride lest her feet touch the bare earth as she dismounted.The entire household would be waiting to receive her. The bride was required to step over a saddle or a lit stove to cross the thresh old, since the words for â€Å"saddle† and â€Å"tranquillity† sounds the same and the fire would cast out of evil influences. An attendant might immediately place a heap of rice in a sieve over or near the bride. If the bride did not wear a lucky mirror, one might be used at this time to flash light upon the bride. In some regions, a grain measure and a string of of copper coins were laid out as talismans of prosperity.After these rituals took place, the groom could finally raise the red scarf and view the bride’s face. 5. The Wedding Day. In contrast to the elaborate preparations, the wedding ceremony itself was simple. The bride and groom were conducted to the family altar, where they paid homage to Heaven and Earth, the family ancestors and the Kitchen God, Tsao-Chun. Tea, generally with two lotus seeds or two red dates in the cup, was offered to the groom’s parents. Then the bride and groom bowed to each other. This completed the marriage eremony, ex cept in some regions, where both also drank wine from the same goblet, ate sugar moulded in the form of a rooster, and partook of the wedding dinner together. Immediately after the ceremony, the couple were led to the bridal chamber, where both sat on the bed. In some areas, honey and wine were poured into two goblets linked by a red thread. The bride and groom took a few sips and then exchanged cups and drank it down. On the day of the wedding (and sometimes for the next three days), the bed chamber was open to visitors, who were given to teasing the young couple with ribald remarks.Generally, separate wedding feasts were given by the parents of the bride and the groom for their respective friends and families. Even at the feast, men and women sat separately. There could be a single feast for each or a series of feasts over several days. However, the most important feast was that given the groom’s family on the day of the wedding. It was generally considered as public recogn ition of the union. On the day after the wedding,  the bride awoke early to attend honor the ancestors at dawn. It was only then that she was then formally introduced to the groom’s relatives and friends.As she knelt before each of the older relatives, she received a small gift. The bride’s parents-in-law gave her a title according to her husband’s seniority in the family hierarchy. On the day after the wedding,  the bride awoke early to attend honor the ancestors at dawn. It was only then that she was then formally introduced to the groom’s relatives and friends. As she knelt before each of the older relatives, she received a small gift. The bride’s parents-in-law gave her a title according to her husband’s seniority in the family hierarchy.

Marketing Challenges in the Global Economy Essay

Abstract This article discusses some challenges faced with product development in the global economy. Brief case studies of Apple, eBay, and Levi Strauss & Co., provide real-world examples of the challenges – competition, reach of influences, infringement, etc. Embracing technological advances, such as social media, is essential for leveraging a competitive edge, provide the company can operate ethically. Marketing Challenges in the Global Economy Introduction The world is getting smaller, figuratively speaking, and companies must continually reinvent themselves to remain competitive in the global economy. A constant introduction of seemingly ever-changing variables create challenges for big businesses and start-ups alike, and while technology creates its own set of challenges, leveraging its benefits in marketing can propel a company to the leader’s board. But while technology has created new marketing opportunities – especially in engaging with consumers – companies need to be ever cautious about maintaining an ethical marketing strategy. Challenges in New Product Launches Companies face various challenges when developing products in the global economy. Some of these challenges are more distinct to specific industries, while others are universal. Twenty years ago, the biggest challenges with product development in the global economy were communication with manufacturers, especially when dealing with manufacturers halfway around the world, and the speed of production. Rapidly evolving technology has on one hand eased these, but also created new sets of challenges. The same technology that brought the world 24-hour news service also meant greater access for scrutiny, as well as a greater consumer expectation for full disclosure of business practices. Increasingly, people want to know that companies are running ethical production operations (Pelsmacker, Driesen & Rayp, 2005). Environmental sustainability, fair trade and wages, and safe and healthy work conditions are issues that companies have to consider more than ever. While technological advancement has granted easier interaction with manufacturers around the world, it has not changed the fact that reach of influence is still a challenge. Independent start-ups now have virtually the same global market access as multinational corporations. Big businesses can no longer assume the competitive edge. And all of these companies, big and small, operating internationally, have to compete with local businesses. This is why operating across a spectrum of socioeconomic and cultural consumer bases requires an understanding of the psychographics for each target audience. Another challenge in product development, especially for technology-based companies, is the risk of patent infringement. More tech dollars are spent in the courtroom than on the research and development (Duhigg & Lohr, 2012). Technology firms make money suing each other back and forth. Case Study 1: Apple Under the direction of Steve Jobs, Apple seemed to have no problem delivering products to the global market that transcended cultural boundaries – iPod, iPhone, iPad, Macbook. The key was simple, user-friendly products. Are Macbooks worth their price tags? Was the first iPhone worth $500? Product valuation has been a question largely irrelevant For Apple. It was able to defy the odds by creating a demand for the products, a key to pricing a product line (Guiltinan, 2011). Still, Apple, as with any tech firm, is at risk of being overshadowed by the next greatest innovation, as seen in the latest battle of the smartphone wars (Reuters, 2012). It is a back-and-forth war that extends beyond the front line that is the retail floor. Behind the scenes, Apple and every other tech device and software developer are engaged in costly patent litigation. Apple recently won more than $1 billion from Samsung (Pepitone & Goldman, 2012). Likewise, Samsung is taking legal action against Apple for patent infringement on the iPhone 5 (Musil, 2012). Other challenge that Apple provides a prime example is ethical oversight of offshore production. Apple’s Chinese factories, run by Foxconn, have received a lot of heat for work conditions and unfair wages that have resulted in mass suicide of employees, brawls, and halting production (Garside, 2012). Case Study 2: eBay Since 1995, the internet auction giant has been providing a consumer-to-consumer (C2C) service that revolutionized e-commerce, but its success has not been without challenges. Acting essentially as nothing more than an internet moderator between C2C transaction, eBay has not had to deal with all of the same issues as Apple, such as the controversy of sub-par factory conditions. But it has faced some of the other challenges synonymous with technology firms. Patent infringement has haunted eBay. For example, MercExchange sued eBay for unlawfully using its patented software to create the eBay â€Å"Buy It Now† feature (Larson, 2010). Likewise, eBay has had to compete with other e-commerce auctions around the world. It is the standard in most western markets, but could not win in China against TaoBao (Ou & Davison, 2009). After battling for market dominance eBay conceded to TaoBao, showing that even corporate giants are sometimes challenged in reach of influence. But eBay celebrates its failures just the same as its successes. With rapidly advancing technology, the minds behind eBay have sometimes had to make decision quickly, without conclusive research, and adjust later. If the decision resulted in a failure, they at least knew what direction not to evolve in (Ignatius, 2011). Case Study 3: Levi Strauss & Co The apparel industry is probably most notoriously associated with running factories in sub-par conditions (Brown, Deardorff, & Stern). Even iconic American denim brand Levi’s is not innocent of this. Competition in the 1990s forced the company to move much of it’s production offshore, where it was soon implicated along with dozens of other brands in sweatshop operations (Shenon, 1993). More recently, ease of access into the market has created a lot of competition for Levi’s. Furthermore, emerging fashion markets have been turning their focus to local designers, further challenging Levi’s reach of influence (Grail Research, 2009). To ensure survival, Levi’s has taken steps to reinvent its image through fresh marketing campaigns to match its fresh designs (Frey, n.d.), like its recent â€Å"Go Forth† campaign. Technology and New Product Development Social media has radically changed the marketing landscape. Advertising used to be a one-directional conversation – television, radio, and magazines told consumers what to buy, and consumers were limited in their ability to denounce these sales pitches. Now marketing is most certainly dialog that requires input from consumers. Technology: Facebook MySpace might have introduced the world to the concept of social media, but Facebook took it beyond peer-to-peer and created an environment where businesses and consumers can engage in meaningful dialog (Wilkinson & Thelwall, 2010). This has allowed companies to get direct feedback from consumers, while making consumers feel like they are part of the company. Companies of varying sizes have staged successful Facebook campaigns. Even anti-Facebook campaigns have found success on the virtual playground. As a tribute to Facebook’s IPO, the magazine Fast Company published what it considered to be the five all-time best Facebook campaigns (Iezzi, 2012). Technology: YouTube Celebrities like Justin Bieber and Soulja Boy have defined a new paradigm of stardom, achieving fame through the use of viral video. Social media users are always looking for their 15 minutes of fame, and companies have picked up on this. Numerous brands have launched user-generated content campaigns. This has allowed fresh vision to emerge, while build brand evangelism. One successful campaign of this nature was the Doritos Superbowl ad contest, in which the best user-submitted video was aired during the Superbowl. Technology: Google AdSense The ever-innovative Google developed a method for posting advertisements based on the user’s browsing habits – that, is ads related to page content. Logging onto Gmail, it is no coincidence that the right-column ads share subject matter with the inbox emails. Even the Facebook ads reflect browsing history. While web ads, especially pop-ups, generally invoke negative connotations, they have a certain subliminal effect on consumers. Legal and Ethical Implications in New Product Development As previously stated, advances in technology have allowed easier access for consumers to see the skeletons in the closet, so to speak, of companies. This means companies should be on their best behavior, or expect to have their dirty little secrets discovered. Still, companies continue to engage in unethical, and even illegal marketing. This questionable activity can come in such forms as misrepresentation and misinformation, slander against competition, omission of facts, or outright lying. It can even involve deliberate manipulation of emotions to achieve a desired effect. Legal and ethical implications: Dannon Activia Despite inconclusive evidence in studies (Walker & Buckley, 2006) regarding the benefits of probiotics, Dannon chose to market implied digestive benefits of Activia and DanActive. In turn, the yogurt company found itself engaged in a lawsuit. This is a clear example of why companies should not mislead consumers for profit. Legal and ethical implications: Feed the Children The Feed the Children campaign releases videos that use techniques to deliberately elicit guilt, thus â€Å"inspiring† the the viewer to donate. What they fail to include in the commercials is the fact that the majority of donations goes to administrative costs, that is, salaries (Defoor, n.d.) Legal and ethical implications: Techie trash talk If it isn’t enough to sue each other back and forth over patent infringement, smartphone companies have taken to slandering each other for the competitive edge. Samsung accused Nokia of this with its recent â€Å"Blown Away by Lumina† campaign, in which it allegedly misrepresents the capabilities of the Nokia Lumina against other smartphones (Mukherjee, 2012). Conclusion The examples presented here provide discourse for the challenges of product development in the global economy, and the benefits of technology in marketing. While technological advancement brings along new sets of challenges, the benefits vastly amount to more. Leveraging these benefits in marketing is key for companies to succeed in an increasingly competitive global market. However, under the looming microscope of public scrutiny, companies need to be ever cautious about maintaining ethical marketing strategies. References Brown, D., Deardorff, A., & Stern, R. 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